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Lincoln, CA 95648

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Last Update: January 20, 2006
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Client References

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Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
ADR Environmental LarryFlora 916.921.0600 / 916.648.6688
Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Jeremiah Puget 707.570.1418 / 707.570.1461
AES-Analytical Environmental Services David Zweig 916.364.7803 / 916.364.7811
AGS Kamran Ghiassi 415.777.2166 / 415.777.4874
All West Environmental Leonard Niles 415.391.2510 / 415.391.2008
Alliance Environmental Services Willy Irwin 530.345.8562
Anderson Consulting Group Scott Palmer 916.786.8883 / 916.786.7891
Anderson Consulting Group Gary Anderson 530.274.3010 / 530.273.9159
Apex Envirotech Tom Paul 916.535.0200 / 916.535.0207
Applied Engineering Elgar Stephens 916.645.6014 / 916.645.6098
ATC David Oliver 530.878.6001 / 888.471.2905
ATC Ed McDaniel 925.225.7818 / 925.463.2559
Azure Environmental Jeff Hennier 413.549.1056 / 413.549.1057
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Barnard Construction Company Vern Killian 530.647.0594 / 530.647.0716
Bennett Staheli Engineers David Bennett 916.649.9414 / 916.649.9479
Berlogar Geotechnical Ramo Vahamaki 925.484.0200 / 925.846.9645
Bio Plan Robert Dodd 916.762.8404 / 916.652.7509
Blackburn Consulting, Inc. Pat Fisher 530.887.1494 / 530.887.1495
Blecher & Collins Eric Selton 213.622.4222 / 213.622.1656
Bobby Adams Bobby Adams 925.968.1275
Broadbent & Associates Lee Williams 775.322.7969 / 775.322.7956
Brown & Mills Roy Carlson 916.362.5541 / 916.362.3454
Bylmer Engineering Mark Detterman 510.521.3773 / 510.865.2594
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Cal Engineering & Geology Rod Sherman 925.935.9771 / 925.935.9773
Calpine Greg Leichter 530.671.7957 / 530.671.1623
Cambria Environmental Technology John Riggi 510.420.0700 / 510.420.9170
Carlton Engineering, Inc. Dave Jermstad 530.677.5515 / 530.677.6645
City of South Lake Tahoe Russ Wigart 530.542.6029 / 530.541.7524
Clayton Environmental Warren Chamberlain 925.426.2665 / 925.426.0106
Compliance & Closure Gary Mulkey 925.426.5395 / 925.426.5391
Condor Earth Technologies Scott Lewis 209.532.0361 / 209.928.4776
Cone Engineering    
Conor Pacific Jennifer Panders 650.843.3828 / 650.843.3815
Consolidated Engineering Bill Stevens 925.485.5000 / 925.485.5019
Copenhagen Contractors & Engineers Chris Martin 916.685.2211 / 916.685.7321
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
D & M Consulting Engineers, Inc. Mark Lord 831.372.3716 / 831.372.7481
Delta Environmental Consulting Mike Berrington 916.536.2616 / 916.638.8385
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Earth Mechanics Mike Kapuskar 714.751.3826 / 714.751.3928
Earth Systems Gretchen Mora 510.353.0320 / 510.353.0344
EBA Wastetechnologies Mike Delmanowski 707.544.0784 / 707.544.0866
Ebmud Dar Chen 510.287.1290 / 510.287.1345
Engeo Inc. Ray Skinner 925.838.1600 / 925.838.7425
Environmental Resources Group/ERG Ben Wells 415.381.6574 / 415.381.6320
Erler & Kalinowski Jeannine Kessell 650.292.9100 / 650.552.9012
ERM-Environmental Resources Management Jon Meier / Jim Warner 925.946.0455 / 925.946.9968
Espana Geotechnical Consulting Alfred Worcester 916.773.2600 / 916.782.4846
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Ford Construction Company, Inc. Jerry Middleton 209.333.1116 / 209.333.8597
Fox Loomis, Inc. Sam Fox 916.383.2140 / 916.383.8021
Fugro West Mark Fuhrman 510.267.4431 / 510.268.0137
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Geocon Environmental Consultants, Inc. John Juhrend 916.852.9118 / 916.852.9132
Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. Todd Loar 510.663.4100 / 510.663.4141
Geosyntec Consultants Patrick Lucia 925.943.3034 / 925.943.2366
Geotechnical Consultants Amy Killeen 415.565.7366 / 415.565.7372
GeoTek, Inc. Richard Leech 760.599.0509 / 760.599.0593
Geo/Resource Consultants, Inc. Alan Tryhorn 510.832.3177 / 510.832.6013
GHH Engineers, Inc. Jennifer Bailey 916.723.7645 / 916.723.7698
Gularte & Associates Greg Gularte 916.765.4284 / 916.771.5868
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Hallenbeck & Associates Adel Kasim 510.655.4152 / 510.420.8793
Harding Ese Kevin Danise / Steve Richey 775.329.6123 / 775.322.9380
Harlan Tait Dick Tait 650.737.5440 / 650.737.5441
Harza Engineering Company Jim Herbert 925.685.6275 / 925.685.2380
HerShey Environmental Herman Schymiczek 559.641.7320
Herzog & Associates Craig Herzog 415.720.9002 / 415.388.9266
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
IT Corporation Rob Nelnegro 925.288.2103 / 925.827.2029
IT Emcom Charles Metzinger 916.928.3300 / 916.928.3300
Jaco Oil  
Jonas & Associates Mark Jonas 925.933.5360 / 925.933.5362
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Keller Canyon Landfill Curt Fujii 925.485.9800
Kleinfelder, Inc. Mick Clark 408.436.1155 / 408.436.1771
Kleinfelder, Inc. Lewis Regan 916.366.1701 / 916.366.7013
Kleinfelder, Inc. Corky Metcalf 530.244.7203 / 530.244.3031
Kleinfelder, Inc. Chris Johnson 925.484.1700 / 925.484.5838
Kleinfelder, Inc. Ben Smith 775.745.4967 / 775.884.3887
Kleinfelder, Inc. Ted Krump 415.472.6770 / 415.472.6773
Kleinfelder, Inc. Stephen Korbay 707.571.1883 / 707.571.7813
Kleinfelder, Inc. Kristen Peterson 775.689.7800 / 775.689.7810
Korbmacher Engineering, Inc. Bruno Korbmacher 925.454.9033 / 925.454.9564
Krazan & Associates, Inc. Johan Jacobsen 916.564.2200 / 916.564.2222
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Layne GeoConstruction
Levine & Fricke Dan Schreiner 916.786.0464 / 916.786.0366
Levine & Fricke Christy Swindling 510.652.4500 / 510.652.4906
Lindsey C. Bowman Properties
Lowney & Associates Ryan Gerber 626.396.1490 / 626.396.1491
Lowney & Associates William Dash 925.785.1011 / 925.275.2555
Lund Construction Bob Lund 916.344.5800 / 916.338.2725
Lush Geoscience Andy Lush 916.737.9294
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Magorian Mines Don Magorian 530.367.3636 / 530.367.3775
Marlene Vallee    
Marvin E. Davis & Associates Angela Freeman 775.853.9100 / 775.853.9199
Mascon, Inc.    
Matriscope, Inc. Jose Cabeal 916.375.6702 / 916.375.6700
Mauldin Dorfmeir Construction, Inc. Josh Melanson 559.252.4600 / 559.222.4705
McCain Associates    
McGinley & Associates Tracy Johnston 775.829.2245 / 775.829.2213
McIlvenna Unlimited    
Mears Ed Ray Mears 517.433.2929 / 517.433.2199
Microvision David Buckstad 530.888.8344 / 530.888.8349
Midtown Partners
Milstone Geotechnical
Minerals Exploration & Development
Mountain Cascade John Thieman 925.570.8464 / 925.833.0475
Mountain Ventures    
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Nevada Project (Midas)    
Ninyo & Moore    
Noranda Grey Eagle Mines, Inc. Steve Smith 530.493.5275 / 530.493.5276
Nordic Industries, Inc.    
Northern California Power Agency Bob Rulofson 209.728.1387 / 209.728.1391
OHM Remediation Services Corporation
Olivia Chen Consultants Sangamithra Cyer 415.522.5013 / 415.522.5220
OSM Department of the Interior
Pacific Environmental Group
Parikh Consultants Gary Parikh 408.945.1011 / 408.945.1012
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Parsons Engineering Science, Inc.
Parsons Infrastructure & Technology
Pentacope Resources
Perini Building Company
PES Environmental, Inc.
Phase Three Environmental Management
Power Engineering Contractors
Pressure Grout
Prison Industry Authority    
PSI, Inc. Victor Langhaar 818.346.8869 / 818.346.2069
Purcell, Rhoades & Associates Joe Ambrosino 925.932.1177
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
R. Burke Corporation    
R & M Environmental John Fortuna 510.553.2144 / 510.553.2145
Radian International
Ramcon Engineering & Environmental Contracting
Rancho Murieta Community Services District Edward R. Crouse 916.354.3700 / 916.354.2082
Raney Geotechnical Joe Brusca 916.371.0434 / 916.371.1809
Ray Toney & Associates    
Remedial Solutions, Inc.    
RGH Eric Chase 707.544.1072 / 707.544.1082
River Reflections    
RMC Geosciences Rick Mitchell 415.898.8073 / 415.898.8137
Robert Dewey
Robert Mathews, PhD.
Robert Young & Associates Orv Fry 530.477.2864 / 530.477.2402
Robison Engineering Company Wally Robison 775.851.0506 / 775.851.2423
Rust Envionmental    
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Safety-Kleen Corp.    
Salem Howes Associates Vince Howes 415.381.6146
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Sarah Carson Resources
SCS Engineers Shara Alexander 916.631.1297 / 916.361.1299
SCS Field Services, Inc.    
Secor International Inc. Brian Carey 916.861.0400 / 916.861.0430
Shasta Constructors, Inc.    
SHN Consulting Engineers & Geologists Don Linsey 530.221.5424 / 530.221.0135
SHN Consulting Engineers & Geologists David Bradley 707.441.8855 / 707.441.8877
Sierra-Pacific Group    
Sigma Prime Geosciences, Inc. Charlie Kissick 650.726.7198 / 650.726.7199
Smith Emery Company Pat Morrison 415.330.3000 / 415.330.3030
Sophie Atkinson    
Spectrum-Gausch Spreckles    
Spring Mountain Vineyard    
SRI Envoirnmental Engineers
SRK Consulting
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
Summit Envirosolutions
Sunrise Mountain Homeowner's Association
Sutter County Public Works
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Tank Protect Engineering, Inc.
Teichert & Son, Inc.
Terracon John Andreae 775.351.2400 / 775.351.2423
Terrasearch, Inc.
Terratech, Inc.
Tetra Tech Em Inc. Carl Crain 916.852.8300 / 916.852.0307
The Mark Group    
Thomas Woodward, P.E. Thomas Woodward 530.274.2664 / 530.274.2664
Tim Bray    
Ting & Associates
Trans Pacific
Treadwell and Rollo
Turlock Irrigation District Dave Falkenberg 209.883.8203 / 209.656.2180
Twining Laboratories    
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
United Soil Engineering
United States Army Corps. of Engineers
UPP Geotechnical, Inc.
Uribe & Associates    
URS Corporation Bob Healy 408.297.9585 / 408.297.6962
URS Corporation Leo Handfelt 619.294.9400 / 619.293.7920
URS Corporation John Roadifer 510.893.3600 / 510.874.3268
URS Greiner Tom Kolbe 510.893.2600 / 510.874.3268
Note: If the client includes a contact and a phone/fax number then they are also a reference.
Client Contact Phone / Fax
Vector Engineering, Inc.
Vern Myers
Versar, Inc. Tim Berger 916.863.9323 / 916.926.2678
Vertex Engineering
Vic Wright
Vicks Pipeline
Wallace Kuhl & Associates Michael Watari 916.372.1434 / 916.372.9065
Wayne Ting & Associates Wayne Ting 510.623.7768 / 510.623.7861
W.A. Craig Company Brian Milton 707.693.2929 / 707.693.2922
Weiss Associates
Western Aggregates
Western Strata Exploration (WESTEX)
White Rock Road Properties
William Lettis & Associates
Woodward Clyde Consultants    
World Oil    
X-Cal Resources,USA    
Yang & Associates    
Youndahl Consulting Group, Inc. Roy Kroll 916.933.0633 / 916.933.6482
Zencon General Engineering Construction    
Zeni Drilling Company    
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